MSNBC comes back for another dumb bite of the dumb apple on Houston schools
Not helped at all by Dallas U.S. Rep. Jasmine Crockett
MSNBC’s Ali Velshi and Dallas Democratic Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett talked today about how Houston School Superintendent Mike Miles is “taking away literacy” from minority kids by converting libaries into study halls for advanced students.
The shame and deceit here is in even talking about Houston schools and literacy for minority kids without acknowledging that the state took over the school district because of the terrible job Houston was doing year after year educating mnority kids.
I guess Crockett is OK with a system that for years has put a third of its third grade black students on what the child advocacy groups call the “kindergarten to prison pipeline.” I didn’t hear a whisper of that from either Velshi or Crockett — just partisan gotchas about Republicans.
These are people who truly don’t bother to pay attention and do not have the true interest of minority kids in their hearts.
Anybody with even the LEAST SMIDGEN of interest in this topic ought to take Schutze's hint and go explore the TAPR reports at TEA.
Don't take any one report in isolation. Of particular interest, compare HISD's majority black schools to majority Hispanic schools - or compare Houston public school district results to the "Harmony" (or other large charter schools) results.
There is a tale of the rooster who walked into the chicken coop, gathered the hens around and showed them all an Ostrich egg. "I am not threatening. I am not criticizing. But I do very much want to keep you informed about the work being done, elsewhere. "
The same patronage system that led the schools to this point also told Crockett when it was her turn to run for her congressional seat, and then delivered votes to elect her. It's bigger than the schools, as anyone who watched The Wire can tell you.