I work for a firm that contracts work with HISD to help Special Ed students mainstreamed into the classrooms . I’ve witnessed teachers going through the curriculum set up by the district on the smart board . Teachers are trained to continue the lesson in spite of distractions. There are students who mimic the right answers and will be tutored at a later session . One can already foresee students getting behind and lacking the creativity to do genuine thinking to solve problems . It is quite evident that students are being taught to be able to eliminate wrong answers . The writing skills are lacking as a consequence of robotic instruction . The deep appreciation for literary works is also lagging . One hopes that someone with the wisdom of a child will awaken the educational system to the true values of an inspiring curriculum . This world will not be saved by people all thinking the same way.It appears that those who aspire to be different are expelled from the system . With all the wisdom and intellect in the world , why have people subjected themselves to follow what they know is not right ? Well, one knows it is the instinct to survive . Sadly, only those exposed to the true values of education will prevail . Hopefully , there will be instructors who will dare to do the right thing for the children .

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I just finished the Walter Isaacson biography of Elon Musk. I wonder how the Houston Chronicle would like his approach to solving problems and getting things done.

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It probably does feel like a prison when admin takes away / reigns in the purchasing card, and the free lunches and other perks from vendors and consultants dry up.

Addition by subtraction.

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Following this story is great fun. I would think your friends at the Houston Chronicle would, at the least, let us know what the typical turnover was in prior years. Can't be zero, right? Also, do you ever hear from the reporter(s) at the Chronicle. Do they try to defend their work? I would hope so.

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A good/excellent principal is required for a school to produce successful, well taught students. They recruit outstanding teachers and keep them as well.

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