But why did the Chron run the smear article before they got a response from Miles?

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And why did they run Menchaca's total takedown at the bottom of a story quoting a bunch of hacks calling for his head? Dunno. But I can guess.

I would guess -- not know for a fact -- that every single source they called must have told them the Spectrum story was not just wrong but wronga-donga-ding-dong.

The Chronicle hated that because they hate Miles. They were pissed off at Menchaca. She was crying (still guessing here).

But they had to tell the truth. But dammit! They were very unhappy s about it.

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My experience with the Chron is that you can count on them to do a lot of research and consult all the sources only on the sports page.

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Journalists work for sources, right Jim? And sources demand service!

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Sure. But I more or less got kicked out of teaching college journalism because I told a roomful of sweet little SMU kids that a good reporter should work at cultivating friends so he'll always have a fresh supply of people to betray .

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Ex-journalism profs at SMU are an esteemed group. Can't be having those kids interfering with the professionals who know how sexual assault should be messaged, or we'll fire you into the sun, or run you off to Cincinnati (or further).

I am eager to see whether anyone reports on the obvious Clery Act violation embedded in Rashee Rice shoot em up story. They either hid it from the AD to protect him, or he hid it from admin/police/etc but either way someone ate it bad to protect a seriously bad hombre. Slugs in vehicle on campus ain't a judgment call.

But it's a classic case where a quality student paper could have gotten the story from peers involved in the cover up vs. having it leak out two years later, only after the offender badly injured a bunch of innocent folks.

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“Let the punishment fit the crime.” It is lucky for the teachers union and the Houston Chronicle that nobody is following that advice in this case.

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So, it was a payables error?

Wouldn't be the first time an A/P clerk just went to the website and made a bad assumption.

But I guess Brett thought he could get a hit out of Miles slamming a door on him ala JWP. Sad stuff really.

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Don't slam the door on Brett Shipp.

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