Mar 23Liked by Jim Schutze

Your principles about slack should be applied to every aspect of life, including business, government service, military service and politics. Sadly, they are not.

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From my attempt to read the Houston Chronicle, it seems that principal evaluations will happen at the end of the year anyway using much of the same criteria, but perhaps presented a bit more diplomatically. Do you get down to Houston for the school board sessions? Are they available online?

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Is it just “harder” to run the whole school system to the same standard ? Do the administrators just get lazy and give up? If so, it sounds like a great place for intense competition.

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So, Jim, are you telling me that part of how principals in affluent schools garner white parent loyalty is by keeping the unavoidable riff raff (with BAD parents) safely partitioned away so they won't infect the future doctors and engineers and lawyers?

And that Miles methodology might be holding principals accountable for THOSE kids, too?

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I would not be surprised to see significantly different achievement among demographics within the more affluent campuses where parents are protesting leadership evaluations. Its not just across the district...there are major inequities even within a generally affluent campus.

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