I'm glad to be a former teacher (retired two years ago). Teachers are supposed to do everything from teach (a minor part now) to psychiatrist to referee to continual meeting attender to administrative sycophant. My last few years were hellish at best, made worse by bad administration--especially the principal herself. I was blessed with many good years teaching journalism and advising nationally recognized publications--that part unappreciated by administration. I have many adult friends who were once my students. I don't know that there is AN answer to fixing education but I can tell you listening to teachers and acting on what they have learned is a huge part. My discovery is that as soon as a person leaves the ranks of teaching for administration, most memories of what goes on in the classroom disappears into the stratosphere. Sad.

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Did anyone catch the irony? Video of the fight in the cafeteria was captured on a . . . cell phone.

To me, the obvious solution is to shut this high school down and bus the kids to better behaving schools. Once the cycle of violence is broken, they can reopen this high school in a year or so.

Also, it's pretty obvious that this isn't the first fight that the principal has been involved in over his lifetime.

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As a boarding school graduate, best I not comment on effective disciplinary practices (often initiated by students) to avoid an “ok boomer” outcry that might rival the end of the 1812 Overture.

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I absolutely would not put it past the Houston teachers' union to collaborate with street gangs to try and disrupt reform efforts. They're products of the same machine, more or less.

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